Home » Ukraine Imposed Sanctions Against the Russian Ministry of Finance, Governors and the Medvedev Family
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Ukraine Imposed Sanctions Against the Russian Ministry of Finance, Governors and the Medvedev Family

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky imposed sanctions against the Russian Ministry of Finance, a number of governors of Russian regions, a former and current minister, and deputy ministers. In addition, the wife and son of former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, the mother of Alina Kabaeva and the former CEO of Nord Stream 2 AG Matthias Warnig, a longtime friend of Putin, fell under Kiev’s restrictions.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has introduced new personal sanctions against Russian citizens, Russian companies and structures. The relevant decrees are published on the website of the President of Ukraine: the first and second .

The sanctions included, among others, the Russian Ministry of Finance, the Main Directorate for Special Programs of the President of Russia, a subsidiary of the GAZ group of companies and a number of enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex. In total, 380 legal entities were included in the sanctions lists.

Significantly expanded sanctions against individuals: the lists increased in total by 273 positions. Among the Russians who fell under the restrictions are several regional leaders: for example, the governors of the Krasnodar Territory Veniamin Kondratyev, the Arkhangelsk Region Alexander Tsybulsky, the Kaliningrad Region Anton Alikhanov and the Novgorod Region Andrey Nikitin. In addition, the lists included the head of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations Alexander Kurenkov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development Dmitry Volvach, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Vasily Shpak, as well as former Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology Dmitry Kobylkin, who now heads the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

In addition, Ukraine imposed sanctions against Svetlana Medvedeva, the wife of Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Security Council, and their son, Ilya. Lyubov Kabaeva, the mother of the head of the board of directors of the National Media Group and former gymnast Alina Kabaeva, as well as children’s doctor Leonid Roshal, fell under the restrictions. In addition, Matthias Warnig, the former CEO of Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline operator Nord Stream 2 AG, was added to the list. The company previously announced that Warnig would step down at the end of March. Warnig is a longtime friend of Vladimir Putin: he met Putin when he worked in the East German Ministry of State Security (Stasi), and Putin served in Dresden as a KGB officer, wroteThe Wall Street Journal in 2005. The Kremlin claimed that Putin and Warnig met in the early 90s in St. Petersburg, Forbes  wrote .

Ukraine imposes sanctions for 10 years, they include, among other things, the freezing of assets, a ban on the withdrawal of capital from Ukraine and the termination of the fulfillment of financial and economic obligations. Sanctions were imposed on four companies on the lists for five years: they were banned from transiting goods through Ukraine and withdrawing capital from its territory.

The last time Ukraine imposed sanctions against Russians and legal entities on February 27. Then, for example, the entrepreneur and creator of Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin was on the lists.

Source : Forbes
