Home » Russia Chairs the UN Security Council, Ukraine is Against
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Russia Chairs the UN Security Council, Ukraine is Against

Since April 1, Russia has been acting as the chair of the UN Security Council. This caused a protest in Ukraine. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that this indicates the bankruptcy of the UN Security Council as an international institution.

In his nightly televised address, Zelensky recalled that Russia is waging a war of conquest, during which civilians in Ukraine, including children, are dying. He stated the need to reform global institutions, including the Security Council. “Terrorists should be responsible for terror, not preside somewhere,” Zelensky said.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba called Russia’s chairmanship of the Security Council “the worst April Fool’s joke in the world.” “A country that systematically violates all the fundamental rules of international security will head a body whose sole purpose is to maintain international security,” Kuleba said.

The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, tweeted on April 1: “Russia chairs the UN Security Council. It fits the date very well – the day of laughter. Despite the fact that Russia is a permanent member of the Security Council, it constantly violates the very essence of the UN charter.” Borrell stressed that the European Union will oppose any abuse of power by Russia.

According to The Guardian, countries such as the US, Britain and France may lower their level of representation in the UN Security Council during the Russian presidency. However, there is no talk of a boycott or protest.

  • The status of the country chairing the UN Security Council is largely formal. 15 countries – members of the Security Council – preside in it in turn, each for one month. They are rotated in alphabetical order. The last time Russia played the role of chairman of the Security Council was in February 2022, the month when it launched a military invasion of Ukraine.

Source : Радио Свобода
