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Hungarian FM called EU’s high representative: here is what they talked about

Security in the Sahel region is deteriorating and chances to restore the constitutional order in Niger and President Mohamed Bazoum to office are becoming slimmer, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said on Friday.

“Today, we talked with Josep Borrell, the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy … over the phone; we agreed that avoiding another armed conflict is key to European security too, and reinforced our stance that we continue to see President Bazoum as the legitimate leader of Niger,” Szijjártó said in a Facebook post.

Szijjártó said that the threat of external intervention was growing as the time passed. That would have a tragic effect on the stability and security of the entire region, he said. Hungary stands by the democratically elected president and a peaceful resolution of the conflict, he said. Szijjártó and Borrell: HERE is how the only Hungarian left Niger.

Source : Daily News Hungary
