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War in Ukraine: Vladimir Putin Says 270,000 Russians Voluntarily Joined the Army

The Russian president assures that thousands of Russian volunteers have signed contracts to serve in particular in Ukraine, in addition to the 300,000 people mobilized by the army.

Vladimir Putin welcomed this Tuesday the fact that 270,000 Russians have voluntarily joined “over the last six to seven months” the ranks of the army and volunteer formations fighting in Ukraine , in addition to the 300,000 soldiers mobilized last year.

“We carried out partial mobilization and 300,000 people were conscripted . And over the last six or seven months, 270,000 people voluntarily signed contracts to serve in the armed forces and volunteer units,” the Russian president said, estimating that every day 1000 to 1500 additional people sign a contract.

The F-16s will “prolong the conflict”

Speaking from an economic forum in Vladivostok, in the Russian Far East, Vladimir Putin also argued that the upcoming delivery of F-16 fighter jets by the West to Kiev will only “prolong the conflict” in Ukraine .

The Russian president also “be sure” that American deliveries of cluster munitions would also “prolong” the conflict. “Another thing is worrying: there are no more limits,” he said in front of economic and political leaders, estimating that “not so long ago, the American administration estimated that the “Using cluster munitions was a war crime. She said so publicly.”

Source : BFMTV.
